Do you ever feel like you are like a stranger to yourself and that you want to get to know yourself better?
That's right! Today I will be sharing about the big 5 personality which would hopefully help you understand yourself better.
Let's start off with introducing the big 5 personality traits:
Below, I will be explaining each of the 5 personality traits in detail.
1. Openness
It is the willingness to try out, accept new things or ideas
Those people who score well in this area are usually imaginative, eager to learn and daring to step out of their comfort zone
2. Conscientiousness
It is the ability to be organised and thorough in their work
Those people who scores well in this area are known to be reliable. resourceful, detailed and hard working
They also follow rules very well but may otherwise known as rigid and inflexible
3. Extroversion
It is how well one is able to interact with others
Those who scores well here are comfortable usually extroverts who are comfortable with talking to strangers, outgoing, energetic and confident.
4, Agreeableness
It is how well an individual is able to get along with everybody as a whole
It also regard to the ability to be cooperative and go with the majority
Those who scores well here tend to be friendly, amiable, cheerful, helpful, sympathetic and compassionate.
5. Neuroticism
It is the emotional aspect of a person
It is mainly about the speed and amount of stress that is built up over time
People who tends to feel anxious easily, awkward, lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem and insecure would have a high score in this section. Due to insecurity, they might also be self-conscious and evoke more negative emotions.
All in all, our personality is not solely affected and influenced by our surroundings but by the formation of our brain as well. This could also mean that our personality is being formed even before we are born.
The big 5 personality test
Having gone through all 5 of the personality traits, I believe you have a clearer understanding on the big 5.
You can use the link to take a free personality test and apply what you have learnt at the top of this blog post to analyse your results!
Interesting fact
This is based on a theory which have been proven by this unfortunate man named Phineas Gage. It was in 1848 while he was working on the premature explosive powder, it somehow launched an iron rod of about 1.1m, 6kg into the left cheek of the man. It protruded the skull, brain and got revealed on the opposite side.
This incident first left the man with blindness in the left eye and then it was reported that he had a major change in his personality and the way he acts. It was as if he became another man.
For instance, he could not keep appointments, showed little respect and compassion to people around him and even mouthed the "grossest profanities". He then died in 1860 as he suffered from a series of seizures.
This was the first evidence that proved that there was an evident connection between the physical brain and a person's personality. This new discovery intrigued curiosity in people and lead to a deeper research on the topic of personality and the physical brain.
In a skull (conclusion)
A personality is formed with several traits that are unique to oneself and they differ among everyone. Hence, you can only find people who are similar to you and not exactly the same as you as you guys are made up of different traits and are most probably surrounded by a different environment.
What I honestly feel is that we are so conformed to societal norms that we find some people 'weird'. They are just an unique individual who would have a different reaction to different situations like anyone of us.
We might categorise some people as 'normal' as they are just leaning more towards the societal norms that we are familiar with.
There is nothing wrong with being yourself but I believe there should also be certain values that we uphold. So let's be magnanimous and accept each other as a being living on the same globe instead of be quick on judging others by their actions.
Thank you for reading!
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