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月头,我写了一篇《娱乐天堂的。》…只是有感而发。转眼间,今天就已是四月的最后一天了。所以心想就有头有尾,为来临的五月讨个好兆头吧! 回顾四月 绣花 我开始利用旧衣服制作小小的拉绳袋。然后在上面简单绣起图案如:英语字母简称,花纹与动物等等。 小生意...



How to celebrate Valentine's Day 2021

I can't believe its already 2021 and valentine's day is just around the corner. It is really unfortunate to be part of this pandemic...


2020点滴 一年,十二个月,三百六十五天...... 这说长,不长。说短,不短。 这一年,我们大概都陷入了未知的恐惧之中。是否也感到了对于未来而迷茫呢? 做好的计划一下子全部都得一一取消,这一点也不简单。我依然坚持着自己的信念,追寻梦想中的工作。...


什么是永恒? 事实上,永恒是虚幻的。 永恒就像时间一样,它们都是我们的一足一迹,也一样都是人为的。 船能载舟也能覆舟;亦于一线之差。 我们的生活里附上了太多责任,太多忧虑。 多么希望我们能潇洒一点,天塌下来也能当被盖。 迷茫...

The 31st day

“When there are ‘downs’, there would be ‘ups’.” said a person I met during my days in the warehouse doing administrative work. I was...

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

It’s the Covid-19 period and you ever thought what would be different if the pandemic didn’t hit us during this period? Most of us who...



Joy x well-being

Whatever you do, ask yourself and answer truthfully, are you really happy. You might hold a certain high post, be part of a certain...

The big 5 personality

Do you ever feel like you are like a stranger to yourself and that you want to get to know yourself better? That's right! Today I will be...

Anxiety: drowning in the deep blue sea

Hi everyone, today I will be sharing about the topic on anxiety. What is anxiety? Anxiety by the definition from a dictionary meant "a...


借着新加坡采取额外的安全距离措施行动,我利用了此机会看了由实践剧场呈现的音乐剧 《聊斋》。相信大家也知道,由于疫情的关系,剧场与许多艺术行业的同事们都大受影响。身为一名后台工作人员,我们一般都没有办法好好地欣赏大家一起辛辛苦苦呈上舞台的表演。...

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