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Writer's pictureApple Pang

Wonders of Baking Soda

Updated: Apr 18, 2020

Today I am going to share with all of you about the wonders of Baking Soda that I stumbled upon while trying to clean off the sticky dirt on my mouse.

This mouse of mine haven't been touched and has been in my drawer since 2018. I have decided that I needed to use a mouse today as I was about to do Photoshop on my laptop. Though I could just use the touchpad, but I can complete my work faster with the help of a mouse as there are too much space restriction with the touchpad.

Hence, I fished out my aged mouse from my drawer and guess what.

The surface of the mouse has turned all sticky as it deteriorated due to the extreme temperature over time especially for a city like Singapore that experience summer all year round.

I tried to use a wet cloth to wipe off the sticky residue frantically but it was to no avail as it became worse. All of a sudden, an idea strucked me. It was to use baking soda! I remember watching videos on how baking soda can be used to clean residue on pots and pans as well as silver jewelry.

On an instant, I whipped out the baking soda and tried it on the mouse. To my surprise, it worked! All of the residue on my mouse are gone and it looks as good as a new mouse! I can finally use it at ease now.

These are the steps on how I did it:

Dampen a piece of tissue or cloth (I used tissue)

  1. Touch the surface to see if the surface have turned smooth completely.

  2. Once it feels smooth, use another piece of dampened tissue to wipe away the remaining residue and baking soda.

  3. To complete, just use another piece of dry tissue to dry your object (in my case is mouse) and you are good to go!

Some other life hacks with baking soda:

  • Save the base of a burnt pot (Interior) - Ever tried scrubbing those burnt parts at the bottom of the pot with a wire sponge which is exhausting and takes forever to get rid of the burnt stuff? Quit swearing cause I've got you covered.


~ Pour half a cup of baking soda into the pot ~ Fill water to about a quarter of the pot and bring it to boil ~ Turn off heat and leave it on the stove overnight ~ Then pour away the dirty water and wash the pot with soap ~There, we have a shiny pot!

  • Save the base of a burnt pot (Exterior) - I'm sure most of us have encountered burnt exterior base of our pots as we cook our food on high heat. As time goes by, the exterior base of the pot just turns charred.


~ Get a handful of baking soda and spread it all over the burnt area ~ Pour vinegar all over the burnt area and you will see bubbles as the vinegar and baking soda reacts ~ Apply strength on the wire sponge and keep scrubbing the burnt stuff until it leaves the pot ~There, we have a shiny exterior base of the pot!

  • Bring back the glory of a piece of silver jewelry - Silver jewelry are supposed to be shiny but they often oxidizes and turn black after awhile. Fret not, let me help you in making your silver jewelry shine again.


~ Place the oxidized piece of silver jewelry in a small container

~ Add 2 tbsp of baking soda into the container

~Fill the container with half cup of vinegar and it will start to fizz (I suggest that you pour slowly if not it will end up like the video on the right) ~ Wait for 2 to 3 hours before taking your jewelry out to rinse and dry it ~ Your jewelry will be as good as new!

  • Laundry detergent booster - Do you hate the smell of bleach? or find that the clothes you wash are not clean enough? - Baking soda actually helps to kill bacteria, make coloured clothing look brighter and white clothing look whiter


~ Add half a cup of baking soda into your laundry


baking soda picture:

frying pan:

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